Sunday, March 8, 2009


I've long admired the photography out of Arizona Highway magazine.  Indescribable pictures!!!!  I was just surfing the web and I discovered a photographer, Frank Zullo.  He's pretty amazing and has done a lot of work with this Arizona Highways from what I read.  Of course I have a particular interest in AZ photos because I love it there and hope to move back one day.  I just had to contact Zullo and complement his beautiful work and surprisingly he responded quickly with his appreciation. 
"Thanks Amy, for that glowing message.  I'm very pleased to be able to inspire anyone.  It's especially nice when it is a another photographer.  I wish you much success on your future photographic endeavors."


Well that was sincere!  Thanks Frank
 Check out his site 
I mostly am fascinated by his night sky photos.

Fundamentals of Photography

So I finally started my series of photography classes @ school and very excited.  I just turned my first assignment in and the topic was "discovering your backyard or rooms in your house" Ok so that's not so exciting and was pretty difficult for me to find things interesting enough to take a shot of.  But I'll have to say the hardest part was going back to 35mm.  WOW!  It's like I've never used one before.  I was very uncomfortable not being able to double check my shots instantly afterwards on the LCD to make any necessary f-stop or shutter speed adjustments.  Like a shot in the dark. WEIRD.  I found myself taking shots with my digital Rebel so could just see where this shot is going before I would take shots with my film Rebel, bad habit I gotta break before I start relying on it.  I need to work on meter readings and getting good enough to just know where to begin.  My professor suggested "bracketing" which I learned is taking 3 or my shots with different meters and he says that one of them will be just right.  This is going to take some getting use to again.  But hey I'm enjoying it VERY MUCH!  I probably spent 6 hours in the university darkroom the other day just enjoying the magic of developing my own film.  Hopefully this was a successful assignment for me.